Healing Line

Healing Line

Intercessors Report

by Joy Lamb
August 1990

Next month, the CHM newsletter will begin reporting Praise and Thanksgivings Reports of Answered Prayer.

On the back page of the newsletter is a red box entitled "My Prayer Requests" — the following procedure is followed for each request we receive.

A. I read all requests and prayerfully place them in a category of need according to the request.

Categories are:

  • Physical Healing: operations, diagnosed cancers, heart, arthritis, etc.
  • Inner Healing any mental, spiritual disorder, depression, anxiety, healing of past hurts, losses, grief — anything pertaining to emotions.
    Salvation for those who don't know Jesus
  • Comfort for those grieving a loss
  • Special needs jobs, finances, homes, relocation, mates, etc.
  • Deliverance from addictions, alcohol, drugs, the occult, satanic worship, overeating, etc.
  • Relationships healing
  • Wisdom–Strength–Peace–Faith–Joy
  • Guidance
  • To Receive Baptism of the Holy Spirit

B. The first name of the person is placed on a page titled with one of the above categories. At the bottom of that page are several scriptures that pertain to the person's need. After receiving around 200 requests, copies of each page are sent out to the intercessors,(I call them, "my angels of prayer") around the first of the month. Until your request is sent out to the intercessors, the name of the person is lifted here at the center during the staff's morning prayer time.

C. When the lists go out to the intercessors, I send out a card letting each person know their request is being lifted up by our intercessors for one month, and to please let us know their praise report. I also make an appeal to anyone who would be interested in becoming an intercessor for the Center. You will be blessed by doing so, I can assure you of that.

This monthly Praise and Thanksgiving Report will only be meaningful if those receiving answers to prayer write and let us know. This will be such a faith builder and blessing to everyone. Please take a minute and drop us a note.

A note about the intercessors:

We started sending out the prayer requests to intercessors in January 1989, the list was originally sent to seven people who dedicated themselves to praying for others. We now have 86 intercessors. Our intercessors come from all over the U.S.— three in foreign countries.

CHM seems destined to be the Lord's haven for healing; whether it be here at the Center with our wonderful counselors; or at the Tuesday night healing service with soaking team prayer, and a laying on of hands or through the intercessory prayer team. Praise the Lord for the way the Lord Jesus is moving among us to bring healing to those in need.

Please send your praise report or prayer request to me. Be sure you give the name of the person for whom we will be praying. Please print the first name or names along with a brief, but thorough request. Please let me know if you'd be interested in becoming an intercessor. It would require about 10 minutes a day — you'll definitely be blessed!!

Love and Blessings to all of you!!
Joy Lamb

August 1991 Issue