Healing Line

Healing Line

Healing Power of God

by Bitsy Aimar
Mar/Apr 2002

Until age 50, I was unable to endure a single night alone without panic attacks. I dreaded some type of nocturnal intrusion by murderers or evil spirits. Psychotherapy afforded no relief. My burden was restricting and embarrassing.

Then came the evening of January 14, 1995. Francis and Judith MacNutt conducted a healing service at the Cathedral of St. Luke and St. Paul in Charleston. Trained prayer teams were stationed throughout the church to make available the laying on of hands. One team was from St. Michael's Episcopal Church. They touched my shoulders and invoked the Holy Spirit. They prayed over me for forty minutes. Jesus removed my fear. Apparently, He also cured my diverticular disease as I have had no recurrence of that ailment. My personal encounter with Jesus so strengthened my faith that I joined St. Michael's Church where the Lord has called me to Bible study, tithing, and several volunteer ministries. I do not hesitate to administer the laying on of hands when someone asks me to pray. My mission is to draw others to Jesus by spreading the awesomeness of His active healing power.

Reprinted with permission from the April, 1996 issue of Snapshots of God: Brief Witnesses by Members of St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Charleston, South Carolina.

Mar/Apr 2002 Issue