Healing Line

Healing Line

Framework for Developing a Healing Ministry: Part 2

by Elizabeth Coleman
Sep/Oct 2003

In this issue we will examine how to select and effectively train prayer ministers for a healing ministry. We will specifically address the personal attributes of a prayer minister, some essential requirements to establish, along with helpful suggestions when conducting a prayer ministry training class.

Personal Attributes of Prayer Ministers
Most of the people that are called into a healing ministry will exhibit the following characteristics:

  1. They are able to express unconditional love.
  2. They are not judgmental.
  3. They are able to keep confidences.
  4. They are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  5. They are able to attentively listen.
  6. They have a compassionate heart.
  7. They are always able to offer hope.
  8. They are willing to come under the authority of leadership and able to take correction well.
  9. They have a healthy image of God.

It is helpful to keep these qualities in mind before prayerfully inviting someone to be a prayer minister.

Requirements for Prayer Ministers
In order to establish an effective prayer ministry, it is essential to adhere to certain requirements. Below is a list of the requirements that CHM has found helpful for every prayer minister:

  1. Has a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. Believes in the power of prayer: A prayer minister usually has strong and consistent prayer life.
  3. Believes in the authority of Scripture and has a good understanding of the Christian faith.
  4. Has received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or is open to receiving.
  5. Lives a Christian lifestyle.
  6. Believes that God is calling them to this ministry.

Training Prayer Ministers
Christian Healing Ministries has developed a comprehensive training program in order to train and equip individuals who are interested in and feel called to pray. We know that there is not a standardized formula to pray for healing, and that Jesus is the one who heals, however, the training program does relay many powerful lessons, tools and Biblical principles that God has taught us during the course of the many years in this ministry.

The training program is comprised of three schools that include approximately twelve teachings. It is important that each level is taken in sequence.

SHP® Level I: This particular school includes a foundational and balanced approach to begin a prayer ministry. It teaches the student how to effectively minister prayer for healing within a Biblical framework.

SHP® Level II: This school builds on the foundations established in Level I. It leads prayer ministers through a progressive and more in–depth understanding of the healing ministry.

SHP® Level III: This school was created to address issues that very experienced prayer ministers may encounter, such as abuse, addictions and difficult situations where deliverance is needed.

Each class will take approximately three hours. The first half of the class should include the video teaching as well as a questions and answer session. The second half of the class should be comprised of prayer time. It should take approximately one year to complete all three levels.

CHM has found the prayer time to be a critical component of the training. By the end of three months (this is usually how long it takes to complete SHP Level I) each student should have received ample opportunity to receive healing prayer, as well as receive experience in praying for others. C.H.M. also recommends that each student read the following:

  1. Healing by Francis MacNutt
  2. Deliverance from Evil Spirits by Francis MacNutt
  3. Praying for Your Unborn Child by Judith and Francis MacNutt

Elizabeth Coleman, resigned from C.H.M. on September 26. Elizabeth served the Lord at C.H.M. in many different areas of ministry during her five years. She began ministering at C.H.M. as a Prayer Minister and after coming on staff she assumed responsibility for our Schools of Healing Prayer, directing our Internship Program, supervising our ministry staff, and teaching. Elizabeth was a tremendous blessing to our C.H.M. family and to all who came to our campus. She will be teaching a local Bible study and will continue to be a part of our C.H.M. family by teaching at our schools and ministering at our conferences under the umbrella of C.H.M. God bless you Elizabeth!

Nov/Dec 2003 Issue