Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise the Lord and Give Thanks

See what He has done ...
Jan/Feb 2004

From a letter received by the MacNutts:

"I want to thank you for your ministry's having changed my life. My name is Lisa Aguero. I started coming to your facility in June 2003, because I had been bulimic for 22 years .... I began with your tapes on bulimia and other eating disorders, and was so touched and changed by those tapes that I knew I had to learn more.

"I came to Christian Healing Ministries with some anxiety and hope. In the past I had sought traditional therapy, but being the wife of a prominent Orthopedic surgeon in our small home town, was just placated, given medication, and told to decrease stress in my life. I was raised in an abusive, alcoholic, born–out–of–wedlock family, but was of the firm belief that I could get up, over it, and on with it. I came to your facility and met with prayer ministers Earling and Frieda, and was "cut free ", resulting in significant changes in my life. I was free from my bulimia for 140 days; the changes in me were miraculous. I scheduled three days of prayer for inner healing, but, as time passed, talked myself out of it. About two weeks before I came to CHM, I began to binge and purge again and was spiraling out of control. I decided to give prayer for inner healing a try. For three days I cried, prayed, and was so deeply healed I cannot express my gratitude .... God, my prayer counselors (David and Jean) and I worked through Theophostic healing and prayed for the release of the Holy Spirit and inner healing. I will never be the same."

More reports from our mailbox and, by email, from our prayer line:

"I am so excited about the MacNutts' visit to Vail, Colorado this month. Francis prayed over my head. Twenty years ago, I had meningitis. As a result of the brain damage, I had not been able to retain numbers (several digits in a row) and, because of the chemistry changes, had had to be on anti–depressants. Now I'm taking no anti–depressants, and I feel great and think clearly. And I remember numbers. It is such a wonderful healing to have the fogginess in my head gone. Praise God."

''At your visit to Vail, my sister's torn arches (for three years in severe pain) were healed. And I had been on anti–depressants since 1984. Since the conference in Vail, I have had no symptoms and have stopped taking medication for the problems that resulted from the case of meningitis 19 years ago. Blessed weekend."

"Tell Francis that Mary Ann has had some bone 'remodeling' (the doctor's term) around the osteonecrosis in her tibia bone. The doctor was very surprised. We told him about the soaking prayer. Mary Ann is pain free and we are praying for 'remodeling' to continue."

"I had a 3–day healing prayer session in 1999 at CHM. I also want to thank you for your books, tapes, and website. You have taught me how to pray, and my relationship with God has gone from one of less trust to more and more trust each day. He does change things and I bless him for it. My compulsive eating has improved, 111y outlook on life and my future has improved, and /no longer seek affirmation through sexual relationships. Praise God for his faithfulness, and thank you all for your hard work. My life has really changed."

"Thank you so much for praying for me. The Lord has answered my prayers. On October 14th the Lord healed me of severe depression that I had carried around for years. Praise God. Now, every morning when I awaken there is no pain. I am so amazed at God's mercy and love. He is so wonderful. He also gave me a new job. To God be all the glory and praise."

"My life is at peace after being under a horrible attack that lasted from October 2002 until July 2003. Thank you for your prayers."

"Healthy newborn, Samuel Kim — another Praying–for–Your–Unborn–Child success. To God be the glory."

"Joy, 17 years old, is our adopted daughter from Honduras .... She has had depression problems which may be generational or related to the adoption. Twice during the last year, I have asked for prayer for her inner and spiritual healing .... We now see her responding to the Holy Spirit's working and are very thankful. We praise God for what He has done these past few months, and thank her intercessors from CHM."

"I've been trying to survive on little to nothing each month. Bless God,for he has provided in the least likely of ways to sustain me .... Your prayers have lifted me up and far beyond my expectations of blessings. I have more faith and obedience to our Father God, more than ever. Thank you for your continuing prayers."

"Our two boys continue to be healed from allergies and asthma. We are praising God for His mercy and how He will bring them to full recovery and ability to eat, breathe and live as God initially intended. Thanks for your prayers. Thank you for your wonderful ministry and encouragement."

"I called some weeks ago to ask you to pray for my wife Susan, and it's been a miracle. I called for healing of her heart and for relationship healing. While she was driving home from work yesterday, Jesus came to her like none other. It's just amazing, as you can imagine. Thank you so m"uch. God bless."

"God certainly has moved mountains and worked miracles in me and my home, and I would just like to thank you. Thank you for your ministry, for your sincere love of God and people, and for sharing it with all of us. I will continue to utilize and support your facility and to seek and praise God, and would just like to thank you again for being a significant part of my journey."

Praise Reports from Days of Healing Prayer and Two Days of Intensive Prayer:

"After intercessory prayer for depression, I've been able to throw away my sleeping pills and I'm sleeping well."

Roy Lee had a malignant, inoperable brain tumor when he attended Day of Healing Prayer and the two days of intensive prayer in March of this year. He returned to Day of Healing Prayer in October to share his good news, and left this note: "Thank you for all your prayers and healing! The neurooncologist says the area of the brain tumor is fine on the MRI. Not only have I received healing but I now hold the fastest running time for my Air Force squadron. Thank you and the Lord for my healing I and restoration to health. Roy Lee."

Barbara, who suffers severe muscle impairment as a result of Wagner's Disease, came to Day of Healing Prayer, November 3"1• She asked for prayer for lessening of pain and for greater mobility, especially in her .fingers, which she could hardly move. After the morning session, a friend took her to lunch. Barbara was thrilled that she was able to reach for a Sweet–and–Low packet, tear it open, and put it in her tea. For the remainder of the day, she also was able to stand upright when walking.

Yvonne has suffered with a familial tremor in her neck for .fifteen years. During the Day of Healing Prayer, November 3"1, the tremor stopped, remained calm the following day, and has continued to be less troublesome.

"Praise the Lord, O my soul ... who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, ho satisfies your life with good things .... (Psalm 103 :2–4)

(The Praise Reports have been edited for readability.)

Jan/Feb 2005 Issue