Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise the Lord and Give Thanks

Compiled by Anne Early
Sep/Oct 2006

School of Healing Prayer Level II:

“It was a gift of God for me to be at the School of Healing Prayer Level II at all, because I did not have any money after paying bills. The Lord provided every cent, and I was able to go. During worship one morning, a friend asked if she could pray for me while I worshiped. The power of the Lord came strongly, and when she finished praying, I sat down and laughed. The Lord said, ‘I’ve restored your joy.’ The next morning when we heard the teaching on depression, I realized I had been in depression for a couple of months. The Lord healed it without my being aware it was even there. Praise Him! After several more prayer sessions I feel lighter, taller, more peaceful, and, for the first time in my life, I am thrilled to be a woman. I had no idea what was in store for me at CHM. I now have a deeper understanding of God’s desire and power to abundantly bless beyond what we can ask or imagine. Hallelujah!”

IPM, May 2006:

“My prayer ministers helped me deal with long–time issues stemming from my relationship with my parents. There was an unresolved forgiveness issue when my dad died. I now feel his forgiveness and have offered mine. I feel very encouraged and very powerful in prayer. All doubts and trepidation about the power of prayer have been removed.”

“I came here feeling like the worst person in the world, feeling very guilty. I found out there were about 40 other guilty ones! I have forgiven myself, and I am going home a happy person.”

“’I have the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!’ I’ve sung it everywhere. My friend came for intensive prayer ministry in January, and she has been different in such a good way — living in a different level. I want to thank the prayer ministers, because you not only have prayed for us, you set an example. You are on the journey, too.”

“I came from California to learn about the healing ministry because of a prophecy that was spoken over me, saying that I would be given a healing ministry. I have encountered two major losses in my life, so have been seeking healing of grief. The Lord has done much more than expected; He has healed my ‘woundedness’ — a healing God started years ago, but this one is much deeper.”

From Our Mail and Email:

“When Francis and Judith laid hands on me and prayed during Randy Clark’s training in St. Louis, Missouri, my tumor shrank from a 2.5 to a 1.5. God is truly working miracles.”

“After attending a healing prayer group with a patient of mine, her necrotic/gangrenous foot healed within two days. I had been treating her for more than a year, then I stumbled across your book Healing. My medical talents from God have increased and I have experienced patient healings that I, as a physician, could not do. As a Roman Catholic Christian with faith, I see no bounds. I have watched my uncle, Fr. John Campoli in New Jersey, heal with the Spirit but never thought it could happen through me — until I read your book.”

“While at the Fishnet Conference in Vermont this year, Fr. Nigel Mumford had a word of knowledge about someone’s right hip being healed. Up until that night I had suffered with pain in my right hip, especially while walking or doing any physical activity. I claimed my healing and I noticed, that evening, that the pain was gone. The following morning, the same thing; later that night, no pain. Back home and on vacation, still no pain; and as I type this to you, yes, you’re right, NO PAIN! Praise the Lord.”

“Praise be to God the Father, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and the Paraclete — the Holy Spirit! Your prayers at CHM have changed me, my whole family, and the friends around me. Thank you, thank you. Thank you, Francis and Judith, for being such a wonderful inspiration for young people who want to help others. Amen! Thanks for giving a young guy hope that it will all work out, somehow, and that God loves me. Amen.”

“My wife and I were joyous when we learned we were expecting our first child. Sadly, after seven weeks we lost that child through a miscarriage. Our hearts were broken. The day after the miscarriage, your book Praying for Your Unborn Child arrived. It had been ordered a week earlier. Although our hearts were filled with grief, your book provided much comfort and healing. Praise God for your book.”

“My 19–year–old son was delivered of spirits of betrayal and addiction following the Emerging Leaders in Healing Conference held in Falls Church, Virginia, in May 2005. For 12 months he has remained free of methamphetamine addiction and other destructive behaviors, has finished high school, and now is in college and working 30 hours each week. He testifies to his healing with great joy. Family relationships have mended. Praise God.”

“I have been breast–cancer free for 13 years. I received healing prayer in your ministry. Praise God!”

Azusa Street Centennial Celebration:

From a CHM board member/volunteer prayer minister: “Just before Judith spoke, another prayer minister and I prayed for Shelly, a victim of multiple sclerosis who had been confined to a wheelchair for 30 years. Two other CHM prayer ministers and the whole section of attendees in front of whom we were praying joined us in prayer. Shelly stood up and took ten steps forward, then ten steps backward! There was so much rejoicing and praising God as Shelly stood up and took those ten baby steps, forward and backward. It was awesome! The doctor was in the house! Thank you, Jesus!”

More Miracles as verbally reported:

A CHM prayer minister (who we will call Sue*) visited a charismatic church while on vacation. As she glanced around and saw a particular young man (who we will call Dave*), the Lord told her He wanted to heal him. A moment later she heard from the Lord that Dave’s legs were of uneven length, one shorter than the other. Fifteen minutes before the service ended, Dave got up and left. Since Sue felt that the Lord wanted her to pray with Dave, she inquired of a few people (all strangers to her) if they knew him. When they said they did, she asked, “Is one of his legs longer than the other?” They looked surprised and said, “Yes, but how did you know?” (Sue had noticed only a slight unevenness in Dave’s gait as he had walked out of the church.) Sue then shared with Dave’s friends what she had heard from the Lord, and they arranged for her to have an appointment to pray for him.

One other woman, a strong believer in healing, joined Sue as she met to pray with Dave. As Sue took Dave’s feet in her hands and slightly pulled on his legs, she could see that one leg was three to five inches shorter than the other. Sue and her companion started praying, with Dave’s feet resting on Sue’s knees as she held his ankles and heels in her hands. She prayed fervently in the Spirit for the Lord to lengthen the shorter leg, and prayed for inner healing, too, as she talked with Dave and learned that his leg and foot had been like that from birth. He told of having suffered a lot of rejection. A few minutes into the praying time Dave started experiencing pain. Sue rebuked the pain but it did not immediately go away. She asked the Lord where it was coming from. The Lord replied to Dave rather than to Sue, saying that it was “growing pain.” Prayers for inner healing continued. Dave shared with Sue that he always had thought the Lord made him that way to help him sympathize with other people. In the course of the prayer, the Lord came to him and let him know that He was sad that Dave had felt that way, because He had NOT wanted him to suffer. When the Lord told Dave He did not want him to suffer, the shorter leg started growing and continued to grow until it was the same length as the other one. Dave quietly cried tears of thankfulness as his leg gradually grew — described by Sue as “a quiet, sweet, gentle man praising God.”

The Lord told Sue to stop praying for the growing and to wash Dave’s feet. Dave’s socks had not been removed, and he told Sue he was embarrassed for her to see his feet. Sue replied, “Do you know who is not?” Realizing God’s love for him, Dave removed his socks to reveal a seriously flat foot that was curved from the side, almost in the shape of a half–moon, and a twisted ankle. Sue obeyed the Lord’s instruction and poured water over the foot. As she and the other woman prayed, the flat, curved foot slowly began to change. The arch began to fill out and the abnormal side curve began to straighten. Sue then poured water over the twisted ankle, and it also started straightening. By the time the prayer and the washing of the foot were finished, Dave’s legs were the same length and his foot and ankle appeared to be normal. No longer would he have to wear a lift in his left shoe. Praise God!

*Pseudonyms have been used for the purpose of confidentiality.

Speak, for your servant is listening
(1 Samuel 3:10b NIV).

And whatever you ask in my name, that I will do,
that the Father may be glorified in the Son
(John 14:13 NKJV).

(The Praise Reports have been edited for readability.)

Sep/Oct 2006 Issue