Healing Line

Healing Line

The Word of Their Testimony...

Nov/Dec 2009

I Want You to See What I See

On August 21, 2009 I was on my knees alone, praying to ready my soul for the healing conference that was about to start. As soon as my knees touched the floor I suddenly saw an image. I was standing at Calvary looking up at the Lord on the Cross. He then looked at me and told me to get a ladder that was a little way off. I told him, "The guards will stop me!" He said, "They will not touch you!" I then rested the ladder on the left side of the cross. He said, "Climb." So I did!

On the way up I expected to smell an odor and to see many flies around his wounds…not so. This vision was very visual and detailed. It was as if it really happened! Jesus immediately asked me to place my right shoulder under His left shoulder and to push up; to give Him temporary relief, so He could breathe and talk. I was very surprised when He told me to scratch His head. "Be careful of the thorns…" With my right hand I scratched his head. This vision was so clear, vivid and real. Jesus then said, "Nigel I want you to see what I see." I looked out at what He saw from the cross geographically. We are all familiar with what we see when we look at Jesus on the Cross but now He wanted me to see what He saw. I looked and I saw. Well, at least I thought that I saw!

Afterwards I walked down the stairs to the very large meeting hall. Praise music was playing and then I was introduced. After praying I shared with the gathered community of around three hundred, what I had seen just a few minutes earlier. While speaking of the vision I suddenly had volumes of tears falling down my face. It was at that moment that I realized what He meant when He said, "I want you to see what I see." He wanted me to really look at the people looking to Him, looking for health and salvation, seeking His love and validation. I choked up with emotion and looked, really looked at all the souls seeking the healing touch of Jesus. I observed many others in tears. It was so moving. It was not until I was telling the congregation of the vision that I fully realized what I was supposed to see.

He wanted me to see the souls looking for him.

I can tell you I had a lot of eye contact at that moment as I looked up and down the many rows of seats. It was very humbling and really quite a surprise. A gift to my soul.

I ask you, what does God want you to see today?

— submitted by Fr. Nigel Mumford

Our Ultimate Physician

My name is Tracey and I have been attending a class on healing prayer at St. John's Episcopal Church in New London, WI. Shortly after our first class, I started to experience a pain at the base of my skull on the right side, accompanied by a lump; the pain continually grew with each week that passed and the lump grew slightly each week. When I would turn my head too far to the right and when I was asleep, the pain became more intense and would wake me often during the night when I would move. I was even experiencing changes in my vision and I constantly had to blink to clear what felt like a film over my eyes. My nights were very painful and I was tired. One night the pain was so intense that I needed to help my head off the pillow. Once up and moving for about 30 minutes, the pain became somewhat manageable and I was able to go to church.

As Father Paul was preparing the Eucharist, I was kneeling preparing my heart to receive communion. I felt a tiny bubbling sensation — like the tiny bubbles in champagne — in the middle of my right shoulder blade. It moved slowly up my back to the lump at the base of my skull which was the focal point of the pain. The bubbling stopped its rise when it reached the lump but it continued to percolate for about 20 seconds within the lump. I can't describe what I was feeling while this was taking place, but I felt an unbelievable calm and peace. When it stopped I was free from pain and the lump was gone; I knew immediately I had received a healing or perhaps a miracle! All movement in my neck is now back to 100% and I am pain free. Upon returning home to Illinois, I took a pain–free nap and slept through the night, again pain free. I find myself constantly thinking about this incredible experience and the peace that accompanied my healing. Praise to our awesome God, who is the Ultimate Physician!

— submitted by Paul Feider

Nov/Dec 2009 Issue