Healing Line

Healing Line

Letter from the Editor

by Kathi Smith
Winter 2014/15

Dear Healing Line Family,

My family’s involvement at Christian Healing Ministries has forever changed our lives. In this issue, I want to say thank you to Judith and Francis MacNutt for the blessing that their “yes” to God has been for the world. We were first consumers of Jesus’ call to heal and now we teach and pass on the ministry to others. Remember, remember, remember! These words are used so often in the scriptures. “Build a memorial to remember,” the Israelites were told after they crossed the Red Sea. Tell your children so they remember. All the stories where God intersected with humanity are such great feats and historical moments. In celebrating Jesus’ birth, I cannot remember when God was not involved in our lives. I have a collection of memories of healings, my “stones of remembrance.” I have an arm extender for crutches I used before I was healed of viral arthritis. I have a picture of myself at Disney in a wheelchair before the miracle of walking (my family took me because they were so excited to bypass the lines). I have an allergy alert necklace no longer needed for my son who has been healed of multiple food allergies. We have a prescription bottle with liquid Zantac unfinished from when my son declared he had been healed of a malformed esophagus valve (yes, this was before it was an over–the–counter drug!). I have letters from my daughter telling me she traded panic for peace. We are truly grateful for the many times God has intersected with us, and for the visible mementos that we can keep as reminders.

Celebrating Jesus’ birth is so exciting for me, because I am so glad He was born! We’ve been adopted into His family. As a mother and wife, I love to celebrate my kids’ and husband’s birthdays because I love them so much. Once a year I celebrate each one, remembering how much they mean to me. And I celebrate the season of new birth as we remember Jesus’ birth — a present that was given directly for our sake.

Kathi Smith
Senior Editor

Kathi Smith Kathi Smith is the Senior Editor of Healing Line and an active CHM prayer minister.
Winter 2014/15 Issue