Healing Line

Healing Line

Letter from the Editor

by Kathi Smith
Summer 2015

Dear Healing Line Family,

Are any of you saying, "Summer already?" Or are many of you so happy to finally say, "All of the snow has melted, praise the Lord!"? We all react differently to similar experiences, and so we find this happens in a healing prayer session. A sensitive person might have bad nightmares after a car accident, whereas a no–fear kind of personality might laugh and say, "Haha, that was close!" A scar from a fight might be horrible for one person's self–esteem, yet might be a "notch on his or her belt" for another. "Remember to ask the Holy Spirit to guide your prayer time" is what we teach at CHM. We try not to be formulaic, but to listen to both the Holy Spirit and to the prayer recipient. We love them and pray whatever direction the Holy Spirit seems to be guiding. Every person is different and every prayer session is unique. It never gets boring!

We at Christian Healing Ministries love to hear about the experiences you have had in the realm of healing, transformation and learning about healing. Just this week I got my first sunburn of the season talking in my backyard with someone about the Holy Spirit and His gifts. I felt the heat, looked at my iPhone and realized we had been there for four hours (it is a nasty sunburn!). This young woman (I'll call her Mary) had so many questions about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I didn't have all the answers, but we had a good long talk with a lot of life stories that flowed out. I had no idea of her background, but after a long period of time, she told me she had been hurt previously by someone who taught about the Holy Spirit. She appreciated my honesty when I said I don't have all the answers. Our conversation was full of honesty and love, and when she left, I felt so thankful to have been in her presence. I was reminded that we don't have all the answers. I was reminded that sometimes it is scary to open up to strangers. I remembered back to the days when in my eagerness I probably shoved my desire to pray down peoples' throats without letting them say no. I said a short prayer in remembrance of all the Marys I have met and am going to meet: Lord, please let me listen well, love well and let me get out of the way when it comes to praying for people. I invite you, Holy Spirit, into this sacred place. Have Your way. Amen.

May God bless your summer!

Kathi Smith
Senior Editor

Kathi Smith Kathi Smith is the Senior Editor of Healing Line and an active CHM prayer minister. Summer 2015 Issue