Healing Line

Healing Line

Restore Your House, O Lord!

by Russ Parker
Spring/Summer 2016

  “In that day I will restore David’s fallen tent. I will repair its broken places, restore its ruins, and build it as it used to be.” — Amos 9:11  

For the last few years I have been leading a new resource for the healing of damaged churches — that they might recover their calling and mission. The conclusion of this process is a Christian Day of Atonement for the renewal and re–commissioning of the church to flourish in the way God intends it to. Here is something of this journey.

I love the book of Leviticus because it takes seriously the healing of places as well as people. In particular, I have been challenged by the purpose of the Day of Atonement. Leviticus 16:1 begins with a reference to the death by fire of Nadab and Abihu, two sons of Aaron and priests in their own right. For a variety of wrong reasons, they attempted to offer ‘false fire’ as part of their ministry in the Tabernacle. As a consequence of God’s judgment on them, the Day of Atonement was instituted in order to bring healing and forgiveness to the people of God. The major purpose of this Day is to heal the place of ministry to again become the place of ministry.

If you look closely at Leviticus Chapter 16 you will see that the Tabernacle now needed cleansing and healing from the damaged legacy of the activities of Nadab and Abihu. Atonement had to be made for the most holy place, the Tent of Meeting itself, for Aaron and his household, and for all the people and the altar of sacrifice. Not only people, but also the places of ministry needed to be healed so they could function properly again. It suddenly occurred to me that part of restoring churches to flourish again would be a Christian Day of Atonement Service and so this adventure began!

I encourage each church to identify the specific ministries of their church and where each usually happens within the church building or plant. It could be the pulpit for the preaching, the Holy Communion table, the place where the wardens or elders or equivalent sit, the door of welcome into the church, the choir or worship group space, the children’s teaching rooms and the church offices.

Next I give a little teaching on the use of holy water, that is normal water from the tap, but which is blessed and used for the holy purpose of cleansing and renewal. I set up a few bowls around the church filled with water about three inches deep. Then I invite the entire congregation, when they are ready, to come and dip a finger or two in the water and then go to one or more locations of ministry and make the sign of the cross and bless the ministry that happens there. By the way, I make sure to tell them to bear in mind the electrics in the building and not to try and carry water in the palms of their hands.

I invite them to use the standard proclamation of blessing: God bless the (whatever the ministry in particular) that happens here and call it to flourish in the way You want it to! I tell the people that if they have more than one ministry in mind to go for it and bless them all. I also say that if everyone else has the same ministry in mind as others to still go ahead and do it. I am always humbled and awed when I watch everyone get up out of their seat to go and bless their church to live again. The outcomes have been astonishing.

A treasurer of a large church came up to me to say that after doing this he received $150,000 in donations. Apparently a number of people had withheld their giving over the years as a protest against the abuse suffered at the hands of a former corrosive and aggressive pastor. They returned the whole amount of money with interest as their form of repentance and apology to the Lord.

I worked in another church that had struggled with sexual abuse from one of its leaders, who had been subsequently disciplined and removed. However, people continued to leave the church as they had lost confidence in its present leaders. Consequently I was called in to host this process (which I have called 2Restore). At the end of the blessing service one of the national leaders of this Pentecostal denomination stepped up on the platform to share his heart. He told the congregation how he was initially skeptical of my approach and nearly did a double take when I introduced the use of holy water. He felt confirmed in his convictions when he noticed the children talking amongst themselves and that they all went down into the basement of the building once I had given the invitation for the blessing ministry to commence. He thought they were up to no good and followed them into a room below, waiting a few seconds before he suddenly entered to catch them at whatever they were doing. He said he was stunned as he entered the room; unbeknownst to the children, this was the very room where the sexual abuse had happened. All the children were lying on the floor in the shape of a cross and praying words such as don’t leave us God, come back Lord, we need your blessing Lord. He told us that some of those children were only six years old! He was deeply humbled and apologized to the church for his attitude.

We are living in days when the church of Christ needs restoration to the purposes and power of God. One of the resources for this is to take the principles of the Day of Atonement and through Jesus Christ, bring healing and fresh release and renewal to the mission and ministry of the church. No church is perfect, but I heartily recommend that you give time and commitment to restoring your church to be the place of blessing to which God has called it.

Russ Parker Russ Parker is the former Director of Acorn Christian Healing in England and a member of CHM's National Advisory Board.
Spring/Summer 2016 Issue

A Silent Cry for Help

by Debra Cornacchia
Spring/Summer 2016

Hi I’m 15 years old and have a secret struggle. I cut myself, it makes me feel better. Cutting is my friend, my drug of choice, it’s how I survive; I do a good job of hiding my scars so you may never see them. God must hate me. How could He love someone who cuts their skin until it bleeds?

The above quote was taken from an email sent to Door of Hope 4 Teens, a ministry that provides resources, a national texting hotline, emotional support, and prayer to teens and young adults who struggle with “cutting.”

The 2013 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5) classifies self–harm as a condition known as Non–Suicidal Self–Injury (NSSI). Self–harm, also referred to as self–injury or cutting, is the act of altering a mood state by inflicting direct and deliberate physical harm to the body. The harm caused is serious enough to cause the recipient’s skin to bleed. Cutting is a real phenomenon. Some people find it difficult to accept, but it is a real and often unattended issue. As some have been misguided, cutting is not just a phase, or teen trend. It has been around for a long time, dating back to Biblical times. In fact, cutting has been on the rise and has been named the “New Age Anorexia “ by many professional clinicians.

In the Gospel of Mark 5:1–20 we read “They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the tombs to meet Him. This man lived in the tombs and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of Him. He shouted at the top of his voice, ‘What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!’ For Jesus had said to him, ‘Come out of this man, you impure spirit!’ Then Jesus asked him, ‘What is your name?’ ‘My name is Legion,’ he replied, ‘for we are many.’ And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area. A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. The demons begged Jesus, ‘Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.’ He gave them permission, and the impure spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons sitting there, dressed, and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon–possessed man — and told about the pigs as well. Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region. As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon–possessed begged to go with Him. Jesus did not let him, but said, ‘Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how He has had mercy on you.’ So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.”


  • 80% of self–injurers begin harming themselves in their teens.
  • Self–injury is used as a coping mechanism to deal with intense anger, emotional pain and or mental, physical or sexual abuse.
  • Self–injury happens in all races and economic backgrounds.
  • Self–injurers use sharp objects to carve their skin and sometimes insert objects into their skin.


  • Self–harm is a failed suicide attempt.
  • People who self–harm are looking for attention.
  • Those who intentionally cut are crazy and should be locked up.
  • Once a cutter, always a cutter; there is no way to stop.
  • Teens that cut only come from a life of poverty.
  • Only teen girls self–harm.

Cutting is a destructive unhealthy coping mechanism that, when continued, can open the door to the enemy and eventually can open up into the demonic realm. The scripture in Mark points to the problem of self–injury but it also points to the glorious solution — deliverance by Jesus. With cutting behavior, the enemy can gain a foothold and unaware, a spiritual entity may enter a person that some call a spirit of cutting, others call self–destruction. Whatever the name, God’s temple is crying out for help. Those who cut often go from church to church and from counselor to counselor to find help. Some even find themselves in mental hospitals, going off one medication and onto another one. And yet, the behavior of cutting continues. They find themselves still addicted to cutting and struggling with it.

How can you help? Critical to a breakthrough from self–harm is healing of the memories (also known as inner healing) followed by a potential need for prayer for deliverance. Intercession and unconditional love are so important in this process.

Signs to look for: Often cutters are diagnosed with depression, personality disorder, or other substance abuse issues. Common forms of self–abuse include cutting skin with sharp objects such as razors, scissors, or keys. Sometimes they burn, carve, bruise, or salt their skin.

Teens go to great lengths to hide their scars, burns or bruises. Cutters feel deeply shameful and consider self–harm their best friend and darkest secret. They dread being found out. Signs may include wearing long sleeves or making excuses for not attending outings where they have to expose their arms or legs. People who live with them might find blood–spotted tissues in the bathroom or on the bed sheets, or might find them using an excessive amount of bandaids or gauze. Unexplained scars and/or bruises can be a symptom. This destructive way to cope is addictive and provides a temporary “fix” or calming relief, but only for a moment.

The percentage of those that cut is growing at an alarming rate. Cornell Medical College reports in 2012 that approximately 31% of adolescents have some history of self–harm. Exact statistics are impossible to gather as this behavior is done in secret and is not something that is often talked about nor reported. It becomes a hidden addiction.

Cutting is an unhealthy way of managing emotions. Cutting releases endorphins in the brain, an action that creates a detachment from reality. The desired emotional relief to the cutter is a zoning out or euphoric state. Teens have described cutting as an “inner scream” from their soul crying out for help. Anger, rage, depression, low self–esteem, and deep emotional wounds are some of the unhealthy emotions that they feel prior to cutting. Most self–harmers have experienced trauma or a form of physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse. In a cutter’s mind, sometimes they are punishing themselves for perceived faults and lies planted into their minds by the enemy.

God’s Word says we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). So I would like to share my heart and part of my personal journey to healing.

I was a cutter from the age of 12 and into my early 20’s. This behavior was how I coped with the childhood memories of sexual abuse and feelings of shame and guilt. From a young age, I was psychologically and sexually abused by a relative. I believed his lies and thought all young girls had close relatives exactly like him. He told me never to tell anyone and during my childhood, I never did. The abuse stopped when I turned 13 years old. At that time, a different relative of mine introduced me to the “New Age” and the dark world of the occult. I began to practice what I naively thought was fun. I called myself a psychic, practiced telekinesis and did spiritual readings for my friends and heard what I believed to be the voice of some kind of “god.” I realize now that it was the voice of darkness, the voice of Satan. I was calling on a power other than God, so now I realize I had opened the door to the enemy. As a result, my teen years were filled with cutting, thoughts of suicide, depression and a darkness that hovered over me. I was plagued with health issues, including severe migraines and irritable bowel syndrome.

During the years before I came to know Jesus I worked hard at hiding the pain of my past behind a mask. On the outside I appeared happy but on the inside I was battling a fierce anger and rage. One day a friend of mine invited me to her Bible study. I fell in love with the Word of God. Never before had I viewed the Bible as God’s love letter to me. About a year later, at the age of 33, I gave my life to Jesus. Joining a Spirit–filled, Bible–believing church, I learned about the love and forgiveness that Jesus offers. He became my Lord of Lords and King of Kings. I accepted Him into my life and I became a new creation. The old was gone and the new was here!

My redemption was a process and through the power of the Holy Spirit I was completely delivered, healed of painful memories, and set free from the spirit of cutting and the occult. All depression, anger, and guilt vanished from my life! The good news is that Jesus Christ is our deliverer and healer and desires to free us from the bondage of strongholds. What the enemy intended for my destruction, God turned around for His good.

Genesis 50:20, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” God was working behind the scenes and had the way of escape from the darkness into His glorious light all planned.

Both pastors of my church are acquainted with Christian Healing Ministries and the teachings of Judith and Francis MacNutt. They were able to take me though the process of healing of memories (also known as inner healing) and deliverance. I had to forgive others and forgive myself. Another pastor came along in my journey of restoration and spoke prophetically into my life saying that the Lord had a ministry for me to help restore teens and young adults through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Door of Hope 4 Teens was birthed in 2008 out of my own life experience and my past wounded spirit. I understand the struggle of self–injury and the dark pit of destruction that it brings people into. Through my years of cutting, I kept it well hidden. No one knew that I struggled with cutting or understood the emotional turmoil I was in. I walked out of the life of a cutter and I can tell you today that I am an overcomer, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and have complete freedom from cutting because of the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ. Now my life’s work is to encourage young people through the recovery process. I share my story and let people know that God will meet them in their brokenness and that by His stripes they are healed. What God has done for me He can do for anyone — YOU.

Door of Hope 4 Teens is a safe haven. Our mission is ministering the heart of Jesus to those who are longing to be loved and healed in body, mind and spirit. Our heavenly Father wants to touch and heal hearts. He promises to comfort us in our affliction so that we may comfort others. We have a team of trained crisis care advocates that will listen and not judge those that contact us. We provide a national texting hotline, email mentorship, and local support group.
I want to encourage you that HOPE has a name and His name is Jesus Christ. We need the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to set this generation free from self–harm.

  For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. — Jeremiah 29:11  

If you or someone you love is suffering from self–harm, you can call the Door of Hope 4 Teens Cutting Hotline: 914–393–1904 or 803–570–2061. To find out more about this ministry, visit www.doorofhope4teens.org.

Debra Cornacchia Debra Cornacchia is the Founder and President of Door of Hope 4 Teens. Spring/Summer 2016 Issue

How Much Do You Read Your Bible?

by R.T. Kendall
Spring/Summer 2016

Note from the Editor: R.T. Kendall spoke last summer at our Ignite Conference on the subject matter of forgiveness. Writer of many books and renowned for his close relationship with the Lord, RT gives us a word of wisdom we couldn’t pass up. Please enjoy the following article. — Kathi Smith, Senior Editor

A melancholy fact: Most Christians do not have a Bible reading plan. Most Christians do not read their Bibles regularly. Some Christians do not read their Bibles very much at all. And…some church leaders do not read their Bibles. I happen to know more than I care to reveal — how many famous Christians and leaders have not read the Bible through much at all!

Mrs. Martyn Lloyd–Jones made a gripping observation about C. S. Lewis’ book Screwtape Letters, a brilliant satire that includes among other things how the devil tempts new Christians. She lamented that one huge thing Lewis left out — that should have been put in — was how the devil wants to keep people from reading their Bibles. I do agree; it would have been so helpful had Lewis put that in.

I am convinced that the devil will do anything to keep people from reading their Bibles. Has the devil succeeded with you? How much do you read your Bible?
This article was inspired by a recent trauma I had in Bimini, Bahamas. Perhaps trauma is too strong a word. But what happened was this. I took a brief vacation to do some bonefishing — my only vacation for 2015. When I turned to read my Bible, lo and behold, I had not packed my Bible or diary (which includes my prayer list)! I was sobered. I never leave home without my Bible, but somehow I let that happen. The thought of not getting to read my Bible for three or four days was almost horrifying. I thought: what do people do who don’t have their Bibles?

Then I remembered something I heard only a few days ago when I was in Singapore. There is a church where people are not encouraged to read their Bibles — at home or at church — but only wait for God to give a “revelation.” Like a vision. Or rhema — a word of knowledge. That’s it. The thought of reading the Bible or hearing an expository sermon does not come on to their radar screen! I was flabbergasted when I heard that.

Do listen to me dear reader. Once we give up the conviction that the Bible is the only infallible Word of God, we open ourselves to a strange world out there that may include the Holy Spirit but also if not equally the realm of the demonic. Do not be surprised: Satan “masquerades” as an angel of light (2 Cor.11:14). The devil will work overtime to keep Christians from reading the Bible. He would love you to close it and just wait on God.

Whereas the Bible was not given to replace the miraculous or even revelation, as Dr. Martyn Lloyd–Jones used to say, but “to correct abuses.” Too many people don’t know their Bibles well enough to know what the Word of God says or what the abuses might be. The Bible is the Final and Ultimate Revelation of Truth; no vision, word of knowledge or insight will ever — ever — contradict what the Bible has said. The first test of any vision or prophetic word is to run it by Scripture. If it is not upheld by the infallible Word of God, reject it — no matter how much you may respect the person who gives you a word.

I am grateful in particular for two things in my life. First, my parents taught me to read my Bible daily. This is what they did. The thought of not reading at least a chapter a day in the Bible was out of the question. Second, Dr. Martyn Lloyd–Jones, my chief mentor, introduced me to Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s Bible Reading plan many years ago. As a result, I think I can say I have read the entire Bible through some forty times and the New Testament eighty times. A Bible Reading Plan “keeps you in the Word,” Dr. Lloyd–Jones used to say to me.

Many preachers only consult their Bibles when they need a sermon. I persuaded a very close friend, a high profile prophetically gifted man, to start reading his Bible. Two years ago he began a plan and read the Bible through for the first time in his life! He could not thank me enough. He was (amazingly) amazed over how much it meant to him! Why had he not been doing this sooner? You tell me.

How much do you read your Bible? I urge you to go online and find a One Year Bible Reading Plan, one that will help you to read the Bible through in a year. I urge you to begin today on this plan and never, never, never, never stop it.

The very thought that the devil does not want you to do this should galvanize every true Christian to want to fall on their knees — to pray more and read the Bible more.

Here’s the thing. Read the Bible — logos, Holy Scripture — and you will be thrilled to discover how often God gives you a rhema word. A rhema word basically means the unfolding of God’s secret will, when He speaks directly to you. God does this. But I can predict: chase after a rhema word all the time and you will probably receive nothing from God; chase after Holy Scripture and He will give you rhema words whenever you need such.

I have said little yet about personal prayer time. Please see my book Did You Think to Pray? In it I stress time with God. Children spell love T–I–M–E. How much time do you spend in prayer? I recommend thirty minutes a day for every layman; sixty minutes a day (minimum) for every church leader. The average church leader in Britain and the USA spends four minutes a day in quiet time. And you wonder why the church is powerless?

Please read your Bible through this year. The Bible is the Holy Spirit’s greatest product. He wrote it (2 Tim.3:15; 2 Peter 1:21). If you want to get on good terms with the Holy Spirit, then read His Word!

One can go through seminary (preparing for the ministry) nowadays and never get to know the Bible. They read about the Bible. Many young people going into the ministry have not read their Bibles through and then they read only about the Bible without the foggiest idea what the Bible says.

One very, very famous Christian said that if he had his life to live over he would spend more time reading the Bible than reading books about the Bible.
It is my heart–felt cry to God that many people will read this and take it seriously. You will never be sorry. Also, you will never be the same again.

R.T. Kendall R.T. Kendall is an international speaker, minister, and an author of over 60 books. Spring/Summer 2016 Issue

Jesus and Our Commission to Heal

by Randy Clark
Spring/Summer 2016

To the people of the first century, healing was a sign of the presence of the Messiah. To show you how important this was to Jesus, I want to look at Luke 4:18. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. Jesus was quoting this from Isaiah in reference to Himself. Healing was to be a sign of the anointing of God that rested on the Messiah.

The Hebrew word for “Messiah” and the Greek word for “Christ” both mean the same thing — “the anointed one.” In the Luke passage, Jesus is saying that He is the Anointed One about whom the prophet Isaiah spoke. It was He that was going to bring healing and deliverance to hurting and broken people. Healing, which is an indicator of the presence of the Messiah, should also be an indicator of the presence of the Messiah among His people today — the Body of Christ. My point is that we are not preaching the whole Gospel if we are leaving out the message of healing (see Romans 15:18–19). The Gospel is not just about the forgiveness of sins (though that is a key element), but it is also about healing. Healing is not a side issue to the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is central to the Gospel. Christ came to bring healing to the whole person — body, soul and spirit.

As a believer in Jesus the Messiah, you and I have been given a commission to pray for and to be used in healing the sick. It is not just for the elders of the Church to lay hands and be used to heal the sick. This is referenced in James 5:13–15. Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. This passage shows that we are to call for the elders to come and pray for us if we are sick.

I believe that this passage has been misunderstood for many years. I personally believe that this scripture is in reference to those who could not get to the gathering of God’s people because their sickness was so bad. It is in this context that we are to call for the elders to come and anoint us with oil and pray for us. It isn’t the way we see it in our churches today, where the elders are the only ones in the Church Body who pray for the sick during ministry time, while everyone else sits and watches from the congregation. I think that it is fine to have sick people prayed for every week, but we shouldn’t limit praying to just the elders of the church.

In the church where I was pastor, we believed that every one of us has been commissioned to heal the sick. Because of this belief, we encouraged everyone to pray for the sick — not just the elders. Whether we’re at church or at work, if someone is sick, we ought to be a light in the darkness and offer prayer for him or her. We should be praying to God when we go to work, “God, let me be used at work today.”
When I was teaching some time ago, a man who had a pretty important job at NASA came to the meeting. He told me about a coworker who came to him and told him he was sick.
This man, believing that God could use him at his workplace, asked, “Can I pray for you?”

The sick man replied, “Yes,” and even though he wasn’t a churchgoer, he received prayer. He had never seen anything like this before. When he got prayer, the power of God came upon him, and he fell to the floor right in his workplace. He got up healed!

You might think that I’m telling you these stories because I’m a preacher. Well, I believe that anyone can pray for people anywhere — not just preachers. Let me tell you a story to illustrate this. When I started my former church, I took a job frying donuts for eleven months so that I could get to meet some people in the city of St. Louis. I traveled to over eighty Kroger stores in two states. I hated that job, but I knew God gave it to me for a purpose. I would say, “Lord, You know I hate this job, and I thank You that You gave it to me. But it’s so boring. Lord, if You would just let Your anointing come on me! If anybody says that they’re sick, Lord, I’m going to pray for them. I am making a promise. This whole year that I’m frying donuts, if anybody at work tells me they are sick, I’m going to say: I’m a Christian, I believe that Jesus still heals today.

When I would get the opportunity to pray for someone, I would tell them, “Now I can’t promise you He’s going to heal you. Some of the people that get prayer get healed, while others don’t get healed. But I’ve seen many people get healed when we pray for them. Would you like me to pray for you?”

I wanted to see if healing prayer would work for anyone. Ninety percent of the people I met on this job were unbelievers. When I offered to pray for someone I was hardly ever turned down. It is our commission to pray for the sick — every one of us. I want to share another story from when I was frying donuts for those eleven months. I was a tech representative for Dawn Food Products. The head bakery clerk was acting very nervous one day so I went up to her and said, “You know, I don’t even work for Kroger. I’m here to serve you. I’m here to help you and the people that are learning how to fry the donuts. So I’m just here to help you, don’t be nervous.”

“I’m not nervous because you’re here,” she said. “I’m nervous because I’ve had a severe infection in my ears, and I can hardly hear what you’re saying. I’m nervous because I don’t know what you’re saying.”

Later, I was over washing the dishes that I had used, and the thought came to me, “Are you going to pray for her?” Silently I said, “Yeah Lord, I told you I would.” So I went up to her and said, “You know, I’m a Christian, and I believe that Jesus still heals today... (All she knows is that I’m a donut fryer)..I can’t promise you He’s going to heal you, but if you would be willing, I will pray for you.”

She answered, “I would like that.”

I said, “Well, when can I pray for you?”

She answered, “Right now.” So we went back into the break room where there were about five other people smoking. That smoke was very heavy — and it definitely wasn’t the Shekinah Glory!

Let me insert a thought here that I want to teach you on how you can pray naturally in a non–church setting. We need to be able to become naturally supernatural. In church, you can shout or use whatever style or mannerisms you want. In the workplace that’s not going to be as effective. You have to learn how to naturally move in the supernatural — how to move in models of ministry that are transferable to outside the sanctuary. God sends us into the streets to do this stuff, not to keep it within the church. We keep saying, “Well, how am I going to witness to somebody?” Just look for a way of serving them and praying for them. Healing is a wonderful way to show the love of God to someone who is hurting.

When a person doesn’t know what to expect because of their lack of knowledge, I say something like this: “Listen, I’m not going to slap you on the head.” Some people have only seen healing prayer done in weird ways on the television. They might be afraid you’re going to do something weird to them. I might also say “I’m not going to yell at you either. I’m going to pray with my eyes open and people are just going to think I’m talking to you. I don’t want you to pray. You don’t have to do anything. But if you begin to feel something, tell me.”

So I asked this lady, “Is that OK?”

She said, “Yeah.”

I put my hand up to her ear, and all I said was, “In the Name of Jesus” in the beginning of my prayer.

All of the sudden she had a look of astonishment on her face. So I said, “You can hear?”

“Yes!” she shouted. You should have seen her face. I didn’t even get to pray anything more. She said, “As soon as you said ‘In the Name of Jesus,’ my ear popped open!”

Now that she just had an encounter with Jesus, it was easy to make the next transition. Healing is a great way to transition to ask someone about their relationship with God. I asked her, “Well, how do you feel about Jesus?”

She began to cry and sob as she told me that “Several years ago I was on the Session of the Presbyterian Church, I got really hurt and I’ve not been back to that church since that day.”

“Well, how do you feel about God now?”

Still weeping she said, “I didn’t think He would touch me.”

“Do you feel His love?”


“Well, why don’t you go back and forgive them, and tell them what He did for you.” She went back and explained what had happened and got involved in church once again. God moved powerfully on that woman in the break room, right in the midst of other people and the cigarette smoke.

Moving in the supernatural in the workplace makes the Christian life fun. It’s what makes a boring job tolerable. There is an element of surprise as you go into work every day, because you don’t know when you are going to step into the supernatural. If we believe the only time that God can work is when we meet together for church, then we have God in a very small box. He wants to use each of us to be a blessing in the community that we are in. Hardly any of my testimonies that first year came from being at church; rather they came from my workplace.

I asked the Lord, “Well God, why is there so much faith in the workplace?” His response was this: “Because they have not been taught that I don’t do anything.”
Those who have gone someplace where they have been taught that God stopped doing signs and wonders don’t have much expectation. I asked one man, “Can I pray for you?”

He said, “No.” It is one of the few times that I was turned down.

“Well, why not?”

“If you pray for me, I know that God is going to change me, and I don’t want to change.” Did he have faith? Yes, he had a lot of faith. What he didn’t have was repentance with his faith. It is not enough to believe — even the demons believe and tremble. (James 2:19b)

Excerpted from The Biblical Basis for Healing, by Randy Clark, copyright Global Awakening, Mechanicsburg, PA.

Randy Clark Randy Clark is President and Founder of Global Awakening. Spring/Summer 2016 Issue